September to May we are open
on Saturdays and Sundays.
To make a reservation for guided tour please contact us:
Family ticket*
Guided tour**
Only MOMU garden access
We also accept
MOMU Motorsport Museum is located 40 km west of Tallinn, by the Tallinn-Haapsalu highway in Turba village and in historic Ellamaa electric plant building. Address of the museum: Tööstuse 3, Turba, 76201 Harju maakond
The train from Tallinn takes you right to the museum! The ride takes about an hour and the Ellamaa electric plant building is already visible from the train station. The train timetable is available on Elron website
Visiting the museum with mobility aids is possible only on the first floor of the museum. It's not possible yet to use an elevator to move between floors. On rare cases we've lifted wheelchair users up the stairs with the help of other guests. The museum visit is free of charge for wheelchair users. We are working on finding funding for installing elevators in the museum!